About Yogakaar
Yogakaar is an expert-monitored hyper-personalised wellness journey where each wellness aspirant explores their unique equilibrium with nature across all the dimensions of life. It re-introduces different streams of age-old authentic Yoga practices that organically build a holistic harmony in life through dedicated online, live, pre-recorded, offline and on-site modules.
Yogakaar offers a range of Holistic Wellness Programs Curated by Our Experts. They will give you the tools you need to develop and accomplish all of your fitness and wellness objectives. Each program sets unique goals that are specific to your needs.Start Your Journey
Individual Wellness Programs
Let Us Know You Better To Guide You Better
A 15 minute survey
About Shirish
Yogakaar is an expert-monitored hyper-personalised wellness journey where each wellness aspirant explores their unique equilibrium with nature across all the dimensions of life. It re-introduces different streams of age-old authentic Yoga practices that organically build a holistic harmony in life through dedicated online, live, pre-recorded, offline and on-site modules.
Meet Our ExpertsFrequently Asked Questions

What Yoga Tradition is being followed in YOGAKAAR ?
Yogakaar is highly inspired by world renowned Satyananda’s Bihar Yoga Tradition. However Yoga itself is eternal and self evolving through innumerable streams of traditional Yogic Heritage. Hence we at Yogakaar, do not label the free flowing authenticity of Yogic culture with any ‘Style’. The sessions and recommendations follow the traditional and contemporary wellness practices best suited to the participants.
How the yoga classes will be conducted in YOGAKAAR?
Registered participants will get a login id through which they can attend the classes in following mode
a. Online live sessions
b. Pre-recorded individual session
c. Live consultation session
Who will teach yoga in YOGAKAAR?
Highly qualified , experienced and certified yoga experts will be assigned for participants on the basis of the selected program
What is required to attend the yoga classes ?
The registered participants will book their slots and would access the class through online class link. Following are the prerequisites
a. Good wifi /internet connection
b. laptop/smartphone device
c. A comfortable yoga mat
d. Yoga friendly Attire
e. Minimum four hrs gap between yoga and previous meal.
What is the age limit to join the yoga courses
18 years and above
In which Language the classes will be conducted
Currently we have classes in English and Hindi .
Do I have to be flexible to practice yoga?
The participants who have limited flexibility can practice yoga and eventually they will find their flexibility also improved. Infact, yoga is a recommended physical activity for all the participants
How do we connect with YOGAKAAR?
You can use the social media platforms to connect with us or can send us a mail on the given mail id.

Our Participants' Verbatim

Head of Asia Underwriting and Claims Practices for Manulife, Singapore
Holistic approach
I have been fortunate to get an opportunity to practice yoga and meditation under Shirishji's guidance for the last few months. His approach and style of conducting the sessions are really unique - it's a holistic approach which includes the physical, mental and spiritual elements of yoga; compared to what I have traditionally experienced in the past. Shirishji's deep knowledge of yogic science gets reflected in the way he explains little nuances of each practice and scientific details of how it helps the body achieve balance and stability.

Associate Professor (Physiology) AIIMS Bhubaneswar, India
The grace and the pace in his sessions are simply awesome
I must be grateful to you Shirishji for making me realize the richness in yoga through his genuine efforts in bringing best in me. I believe in 'Science' which no doubt follows certain "order" and the same I witnessed in your demonstrations. The grace and the pace in his sessions are simply awesome. He helped us recognize the value of yoga as a whole not mere physical exercises but kindled our psyche and the spiritual richness of our own self. Thank you very much for being such a wonderful yoga master.

Advocate, Mumbai High Court, India
An excellent trainer and effective communicator
I am associated with Shri. Shirish Gupta since 2006. I have learnt a lot about various yoga techniques from him. He is very knowledgeable, an excellent trainer and effective communicator. I have benefitted immensely from him and I never miss any opportunity to undertake yoga sessions under his guidance. I wish him a grand success in this venture as well as his future endeavours through "Yogakar Wellness".